Being perfected in love
Posted by Toni Franco on

Today's Revelation!!
• Me: Then, why is it I still fear; have I not been made perfect in Your love yet? I know You love me, I kenow I love You because I feel it. And doesn't Your love casts out fear ?
• God: you do not truly love Me, because if you loved me you would have been made perfect in love. That is why My next words are "we love Him because He first loved
• I still didn't really get it, so I asked.
Me: ok, then how do I truly love you?
• God: you will truly love Me, when you receive and accept My perfect and abounding love for you. When you truly believe and completely accept that I, the Mighty One of Israel loves- you!
FIRST, you have to receive my love for you, then, and only then, you can truly love Me; hence, "we love Him because He FIRST loved us. Note the word FIRST- so, FIRST receive and accept My love for you.
• Me: ok, then what about Fear?
• God: both, fear and security (My love) can NOT coexist. They can not live in you at the same time. Those feelings you have; worry, fear, torment, anxiety, anguish, distress and many more, do NOT come from Me. I do not want you to fear Me, I - LOVE you!
You can feel fear, but don't be afraid, don't let it exist, live in or overtake you. When fear attacks do not let it enter your mind or your heart. Now, that you love Me (by accepting My love for you) you can cast out fear!! Now, you can separate it, you can understand and recognize that fear does not come from Me, but from the evil one; perfect love casts out fear!
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This is exactly what I heard today. Been on this journey taking captive my thoughts of fear and rather giving Him all my worries with thanksgiving and memorizing scriptures that speak to how He saves us and keeps us safe and loves us and all that. Had to bind Satan many times from harming me and my family in Christ’s name. So fear comes up but it won’t be allowed to stay. I love the first having to fully accept His love. I know He is good. I know He is sovereign. And yet. Sometimes I am afraid I guess that His good for me will be hard to go through. I have experienced it and always seen Him there with me and turning what others meant for evil into something good for me and yet I struggle sometimes. So thank you for this!! God bless you